All functions |
Al10SABI algorithm |
Am092Bsub algorithm |
Am09KBBI algorithm |
Be162B643sub629 algorithm |
Be162B700sub601 algorithm |
Be162BsubPhy algorithm |
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 algorithm |
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS algorithm |
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI algorithm |
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 algorithm |
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 algorithm |
Be16FLHblue_LS8 algorithm |
Be16FLHblue_MERIS algorithm |
Be16FLHblue_OLCI algorithm |
Be16FLHblue_S2 algorithm |
Be16FLHblue_WV2 algorithm |
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 algorithm |
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS algorithm |
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI algorithm |
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 algorithm |
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 algorithm |
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 algorithm |
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS algorithm |
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI algorithm |
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 algorithm |
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 algorithm |
Be16FLHviolet_LS8 algorithm |
Be16FLHviolet_MERIS algorithm |
Be16FLHviolet_OLCI algorithm |
Be16FLHviolet_S2 algorithm |
Be16FLHviolet_WV2 algorithm |
Be16NDPhyI algorithm |
Be16NDPhyI644over615 algorithm |
Be16NDPhyI644over629 algorithm |
Be16NDTIblue algorithm |
Be16NDTIviolet algorithm |
Be16Phy2BDA644over629 algorithm |
Da052BDA algorithm |
De933BDA algorithm |
Run linear model (lm) |
Run linear model with crossvalidation |
Run linear model with crossvalidation over multiple dependent and all numeric independent variables in a data frame |
Run linear model with crossvalidation over multiple independent and dependent variables |
Gi033BDA algorithm |
Go04MCI algorithm |
HU103BDA algorithm |
Kn07KIVU algorithm |
Create waterquality Map with sampling points and optional histogram |
MI092BDA algorithm |
MM092BDA algorithm |
MM12NDCI algorithm |
MM12NDCIalt algorithm |
MM143BDAopt algorithm |
SI052BDA algorithm |
SM122BDA algorithm |
SY002BDA algorithm |
TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet algorithm |
TurbBe16RedOverViolet algorithm |
TurbBow06RedOverGreen algorithm |
TurbChip09NIROverGreen algorithm |
TurbDox02NIRoverRed algorithm |
TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue algorithm |
TurbHarr92NIR algorithm |
TurbLath91RedOverBlue algorithm |
TurbMoore80Red algorithm |
wq_algorithms database |
Water quality calculation |
Wy08CI algorithm |